This page was born 10/23/2006.  Rickubis designed it.  (such as it is.) Last update:
Images and contents on this page copyright ©2002-2022 Richard M. Dashnau

Snakes page 2 nonvenomous 2003 -2004  Snakes page 1 nonvenomous 2003 -2004
Snakes page 3 nonvenomous 2003 -2004
 Snakes page 6 Rat Snakes 2002 - 2021
Snakes page 4 nonvenomous 2006 -2021
Snakes page 5 nonvenomous 2022 -2023

Welcome to the Visitor's Center at Brazos Bend State Park. That's me on a trail (03/29/2004). As I got more pictures, these pages expanded. I've gotten enough images of snakes
to collect them on my snake pages.

05/07/2021  Today I went to the Houston Arboretum. I haven't visited the Arboretum very often in all the time I've been in Houston. Recently the Arboretum has had major
renovations, and is very nice.  I was there in the morning, and I left when it started to get busy.  But before I did, I got very lucky--I saw a Coral Snake!  I can't take credit
for finding it--that goes to the nice group of folks that I talked to.  I didn't watch the snake for very long.  By its questing behavior, it seemed to be foraging, or perhaps
searching for a mate.  I had time to snap a few photos and a few minutes of video before it went into cover.  This was my first encounter with a coral snake in the wild!
Here's the video (mp4)--just shows the snake as it was exploring.  Its tongue was rapidly taking air samples, and it was not moving with a leisurely pace.
    Texas Coral Snake (Micrurus tener)        Black, yellow, red--red bounded by yellow   Eyes like tiny black BB's, black specks inside the red.   Snake was maybe 18-24 inches long         
For most of this information, I've referred to my copy of Texas Snakes, a field guide by Dixon and Werler (2005). This guide gave me the taxonomic name, but I've also checked
online to be sure. Adults of this species are usually 2 feet long, although longer examples have occasionally been reported (page 302).
Texas is host to 4 of the 5 families of snakes that live in the U.S.  In Texas, there are many species of Colubrids (like Water Snakes, Rat Snakes, Garter Snakes); some species of
Viperids (like Rattlesnakes, Copperheads); 1 Leptotyphlopid (Texas Blind Snake): and 1 Elapid--this one, the Texas Coral Snake.  Coral snakes are venomous.  Since their fangs don't
fold-as they do in Pit Vipers-the fangs have to be short. Their venom is neurotoxic--which means it interferes with the normal function of internal organs. 
In Texas Snakes-Identification, Distribution, and Natural History by Werler and Dixon (2000), I found the following information. About 90 percent of Coral Snake species eat
other snakes and about 60% of them also eat other slender reptiles and amphibians
(p338).  The Texas Coral Snake eats mostly small snakes and lizards. One survey of museum
specimens showed small snakes like ring-necked, brown, red-bellied, rough earth snakes ; small skinks, and also young specimans of larger snakes like rat, king, and ribbon snakes.
Venomous snakes are occasionally eaten. Water snakes,  garter snakes, and all amphibians seemed to be avoided! (p239).  
A few things about that list surprised me. Why no garter snakes? No water snakes could be because they rarely share the same environment with Coral snakes. Maybe the Garter
Snakes' musk defense works against coral snakes. And King snakes are on the list! King snakes also eat other snakes, and are considered to be immune from snake venom. I found an
interesting study on King snake venom immunity: "Variability of Venom-Neutralizing Properties of Serum from Snakes of the Colubrid Genus Lampropeltis", by Scott A. Weinstein,
Clement F. DeWitt and Leonard A. Smith from Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 452-461
In this study, they tested the venom from 8 species of rattlesnake, a copperhead, a water moccasin, and a coral snake against serum derived from 12 species of king snake (Lampropeltis),
including Lampropeltis holbrooki (Speckled) and Lampropeltis calligaster (Prairie).  The various species of kingsnake showed varied resisistance to the venom of the pit vipers. One
kingsnake might be very effective against some venoms, but less effective against others; while a different species might show different strengths and weakness against the same venoms. 
But NONE of the kingsnake species were effective against Coral Snake venom (Micrurus fulvius--Eastern Coral Snake was used in the study).  

06/16/2019   Brazos Bend State Park was still closed. I was able to go in today and help with some trail clearing.  It was good to be there, since it had
been about a month since I had last visited BBSP.  While walking on one of the trails, a Southern Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) and I noticed each
other at the same time. It rested
on the trail, with its head raised slightly, for a few minutes as another volunteer and I took some pictures. The images below
show this beautiful snake, and here is a short video showing the Copperhead leaving the trail.


09/06/2015--  I've finally gotten to see first-hand a condition that I've only read about.  On Saturday, September 5, 2015; a park visitor brought a Copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix)
 to the park. This was only so that a reptile collector could pick it up from the park.  But, we were able to see the snake, and take pictures of it. Copperheads live in the park, and we usually
have one on display in the Visitor's Center/Nature Center. But this Copperhead had a rarely-seen condition. This Copperhead had TWO HEADS!  Although the snake was still alive it did
 not seem very responsive, but it could have been because the cage was a bit cool due to air conditioning. are some pictures of the "Copperheadhead". 



12/21/2014  It's Near Christmas, and it was in branches... I was driving back towards the Visitor's Center, when Chuck flagged me down as he drove his truck in the other direction. He told
me of a juvenile Copperhead that was hiding (in plain sight) up in some branches, and he told me where it was. Some hours later, I went looking for the snake on my way out of the park. And 
I found it. The first image below left is a composite of 3 shots showing the where the snake was relative to the trail. The remaining images are views at various zoom distances.   I was very 
impressed that the "leafy" camouflage pattern seemed to work well among the branches 5 feet off the ground.


The closest view shows the extra pit (near and just below the eye) and the elliptical pupil that helps identify a pit-viper. I was stayed relatively far from the snake, and it remained immobile 
during my photo-shoot.  In the book How Snakes Work, by Harvey Lillywhite, there is some discussion about the function for the colors of snakes. (p129) Snakes that are marked with patterns
of blotches, spots, etc. usually rely on concealment (called "crypsis" in the book) to hide from potential predators. This copperhead is an excellent example of this.  The book goes on to say 
that many (but not all) species that use "crypsis" will aggressively defend themselves when their stategy doesn't work-instead of trying to crawl away. This might be related to them being unable
to crawl rapidly. Howver, the book goes on to say that there are many exceptions to this.  In the second picture, the lighter (green or yellow) tail of the juvenile Copperhead can be seen. As the
Copperhead gets older, the tail loses this lighter color. The young Agkistrodons-Copperheads (A. contrortrix)and Cottonmouths (a. piscivorous)-both have these lighter-colored tails. And, the
tails are used in a behavior called "caudal luring". The tail can be used as "bait" for prey for the snake--or as "bait" against a predator to distract it from the snake's head. I have shot video 
showing a juvenile Cottonmouth using its tail as a distraction.  Contrast this with snakes that have stripes or similar uniform patterns. These tend to rely on active escape by moving quickly away
from predators (p130). This general behavior has been observed in a species of garter snake that can have coloration that varies from striped to blotched. Striped snakes tended to crawl away
when disturbed, while the blotched were more likely to move a short distance and then stop completely. This behavior is called a "reversal" and is used along with crypsis after the snake has 
been discovered.  The movement and rapid stop can confuse the predator; since it has been tracking movement, it appears the prey has suddenly disappeared when the prey stops and blends
back in. I assume that this is further aided by the tendency of the vision to continue tracking along the percieved path of escape.   I have heard that this is how rabbits and deer can use the white
"flag" of their tails as they escape a predator. They run, showing the tail, then suddenly stop and hide their tail. Their natural color blends in with the environment. Meanwhile, the predator has 
been tracking a white, high-contrast object through the woods which has suddenly disappeared. The predator then has to bring their focus back along the percieved track of their prey--which
has stopped moving, and will be hard to see again.  The striped (lines going head-to-tail) snakes also have another weapon-optical illusion. (p130). Recognizing a moving object and judging
its speed depends on the relationship of the color pattern on that object and surface where it's moving. Striped snakes can appear to be immobile even when they are moving--or can seem to 
be moving slower than they actually are. Since there is a continuous line, it's hard to pick out a recognizable point, especially when the snake is moving. I finally realized this after years of 
watching snakes when I watched it in action in a field. I recognized a ribbon snake in the grass. I stopped moving, and looked down at a gap in the grass. I tried to see the head, but wasn't sure
which way the snake was pointing. While I was looking down at the snake I had thought was lying still; the tail suddenly appeared in the gap--and the snake was gone. The snake had been 
moving all along! I have examples of 2 ribbon snake moving. Exposed in high-contrast by being out in the open on a trail, the movement can still mesmerize. The 2 images below are a screen 
grab from each clip. The links to the clips are here 051914wmv 051914mp4 and here 072014wmv 072014mp4.  


One more thing is visible in the close views of the Copperhead. All of its scales are not the same. Copperheads have "keeled" scales. These are scales that have an additional ridge in their 
center, that runs lengthwise with the snake. Not all snakes have keeled scales. Then, there are the broad scales that most snakes have on their underside-which are called "scutes" (P.120)  
Then, between the two types of scales, there is a line of "transitional" scales, which don't have keels, but are not full scutes, either.  Since I gave no sign that the Copperhead's crypsis was 
unsuccessful, it remained still; and I finally went home.


09/03/2006--I had just started around the 40 Acre Lake Trail when I encountered a small Southern Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix). I'd heard it move through the leaves, 
and when it stopped, I started taking pictures of it. The first image below shows the snake looking up at me. (Also see ONE and TWO, below. They are both are from the same image). 
In image TWO, the two heat-sensitive pits (which define the pit-vipers) are clearly visible. The elliptical pupils are also visible. As I bent towards the snake (but not very close at all), it 
struck at me!
Since the snake was acting so nervous, I decided to try to herd it off the trail. Knowing that it would strike at least once more, I shot a short video clip with my still camera 
as I moved the stick closer to it. Images THREE and FOUR below are single frames from this clip. The camera shoots video at 24 frames per second, non-interleaved. Even at that 
speed, the snake's strike is blurred. The links to the video clip is below. First is the clip at actual speed. The other two clips are parts of the same clip digitally slowed down to .2 normal
speed. (I'm assuming this is less than half normal speed).

                     OLD RICKUBISCAM                                                        ONE                                                                              TWO                                  

                                    THREE                                                                        FOUR


To my surprise, the Copperhead would not back down from me, but continued facing me. This illustrates an important point. Most animals are content to be left alone. Any animals enountered
on the various trails (like snakes or alligators but also including deer or raccoons or other "cute" animals) are generally on their way somewhere when they are discovered. If left alone, they 
will generally continue on their way. Sometimes a reptile will pause to rest. If it is not ready to move, or, if it feels threatened; then the animal may go into a defensive mode. In this case, it will 
face the enemy (which could be *you*, if you are bothering the creature); and turn its defensive weapons towards the threat (you). Worst cases can be fangs, teeth, or claws. Aside from the 
"hard" weapons mentioned above, there can also be various musks, urine, fecal matter, vomit, or various other chemical weapons--this, of course, depends on the animal. The point here is 
that it's just best to leave the animals alone. In any case, these weapons are intended to deter an attack.
The only reason *I* was moving the snake was because it was obviously already 
stressed, and I wanted it further away from the trail (and potential interaction with park visitors.  I finally persuaded it to move on, and I took a few more photos. Images SIX, SEVEN, and EIGHT,
below, are three cropped versions of the same image. While the snake has relaxed its body, you can see it's still watching me.
  Remember--I WORK FOR THE PARK. Do NOT molest, or catch,
or kill ANY snakes at the park.

                                     SIX                                                                          SEVEN                                                                     EIGHT

February 15, 2004 Today's weather was bright, and cold (mid 30's to mid 40's). I didn't see much when I was on the trails before lunchtime, but I heard, later in the afternoon, about two interesting
 items. The first was a large alligator with a nutria in its mouth on the island in Elm Lake across from the area between piers 2 and 3.

The picture below (SIX COPPERHEADS) is a picture of the other interesting item, and to further clarify what the caption says, it's a good illustration of "Why We Don't Put Our Fingers and Hands
into Places We Can't See."  This item, relayed to me by David-and discovered by Rich and Sandy Jesperson and Carol Ramseyer I believe- was a group of six young copperhead snakes under 
a log.

                        SIX COPPERHEADS                                                      TWO ON THE LEFT                                                                    CENTER TWO            

               WE'RE JUST BUDDIES! REALLY!                                    TWO ON UPPER RIGHT

After looking at the alligator with its nutria, I went and looked for the log, which turned out to be less than 5 minutes' walk from one of our parking areas.  CAREFULLY lifting the log (so I wouldn't 
disturb, or crush the snakes), I was very happy to see what I show in the pictures above.  They follow in sequence in the RICKUBISCAM image from lower left to upper right, diagonally. Note the 
extra little friend, a toad, lying next to the center, extended snake (WE'RE JUST BUDDIES, above). The toad, like the snakes, was seeking shelter from the cool weather, and is obviously alive. 
I estimate the snakes to have been between 8 and 10 inches long. Since they are all curled-and I did this quickly to avoid disturbing the snakes enough to make them move; and also before any
park visitors might come along-there was no way I could measure them. My usual use of a quarter, or any other method of measurement that would require me to put my hand near the snakes 
was not an option.
Now, remember this lesson. You can never be certain of what is under any large object  you might find in the woods. It could be one snake, which may or may not be 
venomous, or it could be SIX snakes, which may or may not be venomous. In this case-copperheads-they were all venemous, and if someone reached under this log to lift it, they could have been
bitten at least six times (more, if any of the snakes struck more than once). If you must move something, then use something that won't be injured if it is bitten or stung. Remember that in a State 
Park, it is against the law to disturb or harass the wildlife (this includes snakes). This is also why it is best to stay on the trails at all times. So, if you are using a State Park as you should, then this
situation shouldn't even occur.

February 8, 2004  Today's weather was grey and overcast. So, today's RICKUBISCAM is a picture taken LAST week, on February first.  The weather was much nicer, and this Water Moccasin
(or Cottonmouth) decided to come out of his winter den and enjoy some sun.  Note the pronounced triangular shape of the head, and the dark stripe on the side of the head, which extends through
 the eye. The picture below (ONLY DANGEROUS) shows the entire snake. Isn't it a great speciman? I've been watching this snake for about a month and a half. It appears to be wintering in this
log. On slightly cooler days, I've been able to make the snake out,  hidden deep in the shadows, with my binoculars.  On *really* cold days, I don't see it at all. I'll have a bit more to say about these
 snakes sometime in the future. But not today.

-----------------               --------------------------
                                                        ONLY DANGEROUS IF YOU BOTHER IT 

November 02, 2003  Time and again, those who spend time at Brazos Bend State Park are surprised by what animals may or may not do, or by where animals may or may not be. Yesterday,
one of the park volunteers was walking by the garden that is right outside the entrance to the Visitor Center/Nature Center, when she noticed a snake among the plants. It was a Coral Snake!
Actually, a Texas Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius tenere). These snakes are among the venomous varieties that may be found at the park. As with most wild creatures, they are not dangerous if
 left alone. However, as with many other wild creatures (like the Puss Caterpillar, or Hornets, or raccoons, squirrels, or deer), it can be dangerous if provoked.
 The picture below (BEAUTIFUL)
 shows our very attractive visitor, as I saw it in one of our terrariums.

After today, it will be released in a secluded section of the park, to live free once again. Coral Snakes like to eat small lizards, amphibians, and other snakes. Unlike the snakes that we do keep
in the VC/NC, Coral Snakes don't do well in captivity. In the picture below (RED TOUCH YELLOW) you will see the color scheme that will warn you that this is the venomous Coral Snake. The 
bands of yellow touch directly on the bands of red. The black "patches" in the red bands help distinguish it from the Eastern Coral Snake.  Note also in the picture of its head (CORAL SNAKE 
HEAD, below) that the head is very small, and the eyes aren't very prominant. Do not be misled by the apparent size of this creature. Regardless of the size of its head, like *any* snake, the Coral
Snake can open its mouth wide, and the poison it produces is a potent neurotoxin (Coral Snakes are in the same family as Cobras and Mambas).  Compare the color scheme with that of a 
Mexican Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum annulata) (see RED TOUCH BLACK, below); one of many non-venomous snakes species that mimic the Coral Snake's color scheme. This 
particular snake is not native to our vicinity, though. Notice that the bands of red touch directly on the bands of black (unlike the Coral Snake, where red touches yellow). This is true for all of the 
various species of non-venomous King and Milk snakes that have this similar color pattern.  A look at the Milk Snake's head (see MILK SNAKE HEAD, below) will show that the head is a bit larger
in relation to the body, and the eyes are much more prominent, than with the Coral Snake.  Also notice that I am holding the Milk Snake (yes, that's my left hand), and definitely *not* the Coral Snake.
Both snakes are beautiful, aren't they? Yes, they are. Both eat small reptiles, including snakes, as well as other small animals; although the Milk Snake will also take rodents, while evidently the 
Coral Snake does not.
Finally, here (flv video 552 kb) is a short video clip of the Milk Snake exploring my hand. This snake has been with the park at least for the two years I've been there, and is
obviously used to being handled. The image below (MILK SNAKE VIDEO) is a single frame from the beginning of the clip.  Incidentally, the Mexican Milk Snake is not found in our park (its range
is more Central Texas), but is kept there to show an example of this mimicry. Animals will sometimes try to emulate the shape and/or color of a similar species that is more dangerous; so that
predators may leave them alone.

               RED TOUCH YELLOW                                            CORAL SNAKE HEAD                                       RED TOUCH BLACK      

                       MILK SNAKE HEAD                                           MILK SNAKE VIDEO

October  06, 2002 Here's an update on my amazing "three-fanged" water moccasin! (See THREE FANGS BEFORE, below)  My plan was to clean the flesh from the skull, and see if I could make
an informative display.  I was successful in cleaning the bones.  Perhaps too successful. (see WHERE'S THE MANUAL, below)   NOW, what?

-----   -----------------------
                        3 FANGS BEFORE                                                       WHERE'S THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL?

September 22, 2002 Suppose for a moment that you have just pulled into Brazos Bend State Park, and as you enter the park, your brain registers the image of an upside-down snake on the side
of the road. You drive past, as your mind catalogs the event. What do you do next?
 Well....I drove a second or two more, and then thought: "Interpretive Material!", and I stopped the car (after, of course,
being sure there was no one behind me.) I then backed up, and passed the snake again.  After retrieving one of my Tallow-Whacking machetes from the rear of my car, I moved towards the snake.  
After carefully prodding it over, I saw that it was a Water Moccasin, or Cottonmouth (agkistrodon piscivorus), and that it was dead. This was easily determined by noticing that it had already been found
by fire ants, and NOTHING will sit still while being attacked by fire ants. This snake is one of 3 pit-vipers that used to be found in the park (the Canebrake Rattlesnake is thought to be extinct in the park),
and is venomous.  The head was intact,  so I cut it off and slipped it into a small plastic container (film case) that I had in my car for just such an occassion. Then I put the case into my vest pocket (well 
THAT'S what the pockets are FOR!).
Later examination of the head while photographing it revealed a few things. The image below shows a side view of the head as I hold it between my fingers. (NOTE

Pictures below show: The extended fangs (MOUTHOPEN1); Closeup of both fangs (MOUTHOPEN2); the right fang (RIGHTFANG1).  As I was pushing on the fangs for these pictures, I noticed fluid 
appearing on the fang. I assume that this was venom I was forcing from the poison sac (RIGHTFANG2).
The teeth are like needles, and a slip on my part could cause an injection.
Some sharper-eyed people may have noticed something odd in the first two pictures. The left fang is is a double fang! This
picture (LEFTFANG1) shows a closeup of that structure. David, the park naturalist, says that from time to time, the snake will grow a replacement fang. As this grows, it moves alongside the previous 
one, until the older one finally drops off. If I'd thought about it, I could have tried to force venom out, to see which fang it would flow from. But...I didn't think about it, so it's unknown to me.  Oh, well, I can't 
think of *everything*.  In any case, visitors to this page can now say that they've actually seen pictures of a three-fanged Water Moccasin!

                    MOUTHOPEN1                                         MOUTHOPEN2                                           RIGHTFANG1              

                    RIGHTFANG2                                              LEFTFANG1

After all this, I began a treatment of the head which I hope will allow me to strip the flesh off and maintain enough structure for me to rebuild the skull--WITH the double fang. That will be an interesting 
Please note that like all animals in the park, the snakes, including the venomous ones, are part of the ecology. They perform a function like *all* predators. They are harmless to humans when
left alone (to their PREY, on the other hand, they are BIG TROUBLE).  Care should be taken while walking in *any* wild area for a number of reasons.  The great majority of the snakes in the park are
non-venomous. The presence of these-and any other-reptiles in the park should be no cause for alarm.  Brazos Bend State Park is an amazing and unique natural resource and an area with a 
 varied number of animal and plant species.  On a single good day at the park, it is possible to see as many wild creatures as most people would see in a year...or even in a lifetime.  
On the other hand, if the interpreters (like me)  at the park do what they hope to do, then visitors who leave the park will see more wildlife everywhere.  Because they'll start to notice it!

-    ----      -

May 05, 2002 Tuesday, April 23, I got to the park around 8:00 am. I hadn't been on the trail 10 minutes (I started at the 40-Acre Lake parking lot), when I encountered a 
copperhead stretched across the trail near Hoot's Hollow.  I  was able to take a few pictures before it got bored with me and continued across the trail.(COPPERHEAD
above)  Notice the coloration of the scales and the shape of the head. Also, the nostril is the small opening at the tip of its nose. You might notice another opening between
the nostril and the eye. This pit is what gives "pit vipers" their name. It's a heat sensor, and aids the snake in stalking food. Copperheads are poisonous, and as stated in 
signs throughout Brazos Bend State Park, "POISONOUS SNAKES EXIST IN THIS PARK".  The snakes belong in the park. Humans are only visitors there. Visitors should
keep a close eye on their children and pets while they are in the park, for this reason.

Snakes page 2 nonvenomous 2003 -2004  Snakes page 1 nonvenomous 2003 -2004
Snakes page 3 nonvenomous 2003 -2004
 Snakes page 6 Rat Snakes 2002 - 2021
Snakes page 4 nonvenomous 2006 -2021
Snakes page 5 nonvenomous 2022 -2023

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           Go back to the RICKUBISCAM page.