Snakes page 2 nonvenomous 2003 -2004 Snakes page 6 Rat Snakes 2002 - 2021
Snakes page 3 nonvenomous 2003 -2004 Snakes page 7 venomous 2002 -2021
Snakes page 4 nonvenomous 2006 -2021
Snakes page 5 nonvenomous 2022 -2023
to the Visitor's Center at Brazos Bend State Park. That's me on a trail
(03/29/2004). As I get more pictures, these pages expand. I've gotten
images of snakes to collect them here. This is the first of a group of pages featuring snakes.
15, 2002WOUNDED
Previously (SEPTEMBER 1) I'd taken some
pictures of a water snake that was wounded. Just one week later
8), I encountered the snake again. The snake was about the right size,
and was very close to the spot where I'd released the one with the badly-crushed
head before, so I'm pretty sure it was the same one. I guess it didn't
make it. (see THIN SNAKE and THIN SNAKE HEAD below.) These pictures
were taken Sept. 8, 2002.
I was
somewhat surprised at how far the snake had deteriorated in just a week.
There was still some wet parts adhering to the bones, and the smell was
quite strong. This
may surprise some people, but I left the snake where
it was. As much as I wanted to keep it for an interpretive display (at
least the head), I didn't have anything to store it in.
7, 2002 Happy 4th of July Weekend! I
was able to go to the park 3 times over the last 4 days. I'll
just mention one more thing that happened this past weekend. It was pretty
On July
5th, Donna and I visited Brazos Bend Park for a few hours. Around 11:00
am, we were on the bridge on at the beginning of the Creekfield Trail.
We noticed that the tadpoles were
breaking the surface regularly to breathe.
Suddenly, Donna noticed a Broad Banded Water Snake (Natrix fasciata confluens)
coming towards us. It had just caught a tadpole, and we
watched it gulp
it down. (see YUM! and GULP!, below) That's the tadpole's tail in the snake's
mouth. While I was trying to photograph this process, Donna noticed
another snake in some
weeds, but it submerged. A few minutes later, as
I was following the first water snake along the shore (I'd taken about
2 steps), I noticed another snake on some branches. I think that this is
Green Water Snake (Natrix cyclopian cyclopian). (see Green Water Snake,
below.) I took some pictures of this snake, and slowly moved to the side
to get a better view (another few steps).
Then, I moved back to try to
find the first Broad Banded Water Snake, when a
third snake appeared
from the grass right in front of me! I believe
this snake is a Yellow
Bellied Water Snake
(Natrix erythrogaster flavigaster) (see Yellow Bellied
below). We stayed around a little longer, watching this activity, which
was also made more interesting by various small alligators and
moving around. We saw all this activity in just an hour! The three
different snakes appeared in an area that was about the size of a 4 x 8
piece of plywood! Is that cool or what?
30, 2002 It had been raining all weekend.
Not steadily, but enough to make things wet and the air close and sticky.
I witnessed some alligator behavior (recorded elsewhere).
continued , and I'd logged my time, and was leaving the Vistor's Center
(I was about 10 steps out the door!) when I saw this snake. (see Texas
Rat Snake, above). It was just curled up, as
shown, right there in
front of the bicycle racks. It wasn't very long for a rat snake; maybe
about 2 feet long. I guess there just aren't any *bad* days to see
things at Brazos Bend State Park.
23, 2002 Not too long after I'd taken
a series of photos of the Golden Silk Spider, a park visitor pointed
out a snake on the opposite side of the trail. This looks to me like a
Water Snake, but a very nice one. It moved slowly along the
trail, and I followed it for about 45 minutes, hoping to keep it from being
run over by a bicycle if it tried to cross the trail. Every now
and then,
it would stop, and raise its head about 5 inches above the ground (see
WHAT'S UP?, below). Then it would move further along the trail, sometimes
coming up to it (see the
flv video
clip 416kb ), and then moving away.
the way, something quite interesting happened. To my surprise, a
Ribbon Snake moved out of a clump of grass as the Broadbanded moved by.
This Ribbon Snake watched the larger
water snake move by for a few seconds,
then slowly crept towards it (see GET OFF OF MY SPOT, above click here
for a bigger picture. Take a close look at the image. The dark mass
in front
of the ribbon snake is the water snake passing by.) It suddenly
struck at the body of the the water snake! It did this once, then moved
back, and moved out from its hiding spot( see RIBBON
SNAKE, above).
I followed the water snake a few steps, then a group of park visitors came
by, and I stood still, between the two snakes, and pointed them out.
The water snake moved on, and
the ribbon snake went back under the grass.
Once the water snake got further away from me, it did cross the
----- -GREEN
SNAKE 1------
SNAKE 2------- --------
SNAKE 3----------------
SNAKE 4 --- --------GREEN
10, 2002 I had gone out to clear away
some vegetation in front of one of the park benches on Hale Lake. As I
stepped down off the trail, I looked down and saw this Smooth Green Snake
lying on the ground. It was quite cool outside, and the snake wasn't moving
very quickly. I'd cleared some of this area the weekend before, and
this bank was now exposed to the sun. I suppose
that's why the snake showed
up there. The ONLY reason I picked this snake up was to move it away from
where I'd be cutting. It is not normal procedure for us to catch park animals.
MUD SNAKE 10/14/2001
mud snake is especially noteworthy since most of the time we see them dead
alongside the trails. Alligators have been blamed for this, and sometimes
some of
the wading birds. Whatever the reason for their death, the snakes
are then left alone, and not eaten. (See MUD SNAKE, below)
Snakes page 2 nonvenomous 2003 -2004 Snakes page 6 Rat Snakes 2002 - 2021
Snakes page 3 nonvenomous 2003 -2004 Snakes page 7 venomous 2002 -2021
Snakes page 4 nonvenomous 2006 -2021
Snakes page 5 nonvenomous 2022 -2023
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