(sometimes known as the "rick, don't touch that!" page.)          
Images and contents on this page copyright © 2001-2025  Richard M. Dashnau  
  LAST UPDATE: 02/13/2025         PREVIOUS UPDATE: 02/07/2025
 -----                 --LET'S SEE WHAT THAT RASCAL RICKUBIS IS UP TO!    
------------------------------- -     
                                     DOES THE CAPTION  SAY "IT'S LIVE"?  IF IT DOESN'T, IT ISN'T.
                                                 (Actually, it hasn't been "live' in a long, long time.)


 ◄▬ This is new (7/22/2022)!  Search my website with duckduckgo. Use " " to enclose multiple search terms.
Over 20 years, my website has grown into a sort of "living encyclopedia".  I've uploaded thousands of images, hundreds of video clips-on over 150 separate pages-to my domain.  To be
useful, a reference  book-or an encyclopedia-needs an index. But, indexing something the size of this domain that is still growing and changing would be very difficult. I'm trying this search
block as a solution.

 Usually, the newest material on my pages appears here first. But sometimes, it doesn't.  I'll try this--below is a list of pages that have been recently updated (outside of this one).
Visit them directly to see what
else is new. I'm still updating my pages and some of the updates don't really fit on this page.  When I started this domain, the only way to connect was
 via dial up and slow dial up at first. Everything I posted then was configured so dial up users could see my content over low-speed connections.
Now I'm upgrading whatever and
whenever I can so the old
media looks better.
  The list below will show most current updates made elsewhere in the domain (but not every change). Note 02/03/2023: With the larger numbers of
 larger images (usually 900 x 675) that I've been putting on the pages, I've found that the pages 
take longer to load--even with good bandwidth connections. So if I add an update with  more than 16
images, it will probably split off onto its own page, although it 
will usually show up first here on the RICKUBISCAM page

                    Recent Updates of other pages:           
                   Page or file name         Date of update         Description of update

02/21/2025  Added newly-edited video clips and photos from 2022.
                     Ibises                                02/15/2025 NEW PAGE!! Moved my images of these species onto their own new page. More stuff to be added soon.
                     Grackles                            02/15/2025 NEW PAGE!! Moved my images of these species onto their own new page. More stuff to be added soon.
                     Coots and Gallinules           01/31/2025 Added 5 new video clips from 2006, 2009,2011 and 2017 to this page over the last couple days.
                     Coots and Gallinules           01/28/2025 NEW PAGE!! Moved my images of these species onto their own new page. More stuff to be added soon.
                     Osprey page                      12/23/2024 Added 30 pictures of an Osprey observed feeding at Fiorenza park on 02/10/2024.
                     Gar page (garfish)              
12/02/2024  New material from this year. Lots of images, and some edited videos.
                     Gar page (garfish)               12/01/2024 NEW PAGE!! With some much material, the gar fish have a separate page, pulled from material I've posted on other pages.
Kites page                         10/16/2024 NEW PAGE!! Inspired to create this page because Kites aren't exactly like other raptors...so they got their own page. 
                            Water Insect page               10/11/2024 NEW PAGE!! Inspired to create this page due to research I've just done. First time uploads of OLD pictures, and new materials.
                            Just Rick page                    09/26/2024 Added new videos and photos from 2003, driving an ARGO ATV to crush vegetation at Brazos Bend State Park
                                         Alligator Behavior Walking etc. page 10    09/05/2024 New Page! Added new posts with imagery from 2023
                            Rick's General Oddities        08/27/2024 Added new video and pictures from August 11 and 20 2024 (long camera sticks).               
                            Internal Martial Arts page      07/30/2024 Added new video and pictures from July 2024 (a few days before Beryl).
                            Piper the Pup's Page              06/19/2024 Added some pictures and a couple videos from June 2024.
Ichnology page 4
               05/04/2024 Added more material from summer 2023. Cicada killer drama.
                     Osprey page                      03/21/2024 Added a lot of pictures and a video clip of an Osprey observed feeding at Fiorenza park 05/29/2023.
                     Rick's General Oddities      12/13/2023 Added some pictures and a video of me tossing boomerangs at Scobee Field.
                     Rick's 3D model Page 5 (gator den; ver. 2)    07/04/22   I once used Solidworks at work. Now Solidworks has access I can use at home, so I'm modeling an alligator den. My attempts are here.
                     Rick's 3D model Page 1 (gator den)    05/27/22   I once used Solidworks at work. Now Solidworks has access I can use at home, so I'm modeling an alligator den. My attempts are here.
                      2008  2010      
Videos of folding bicycles from 2008 & 2010

Update 02/13/2025 - 02/09/2025 Three snakes having a bad day.  I found the first one near 40-Acre Lake on Oct. 27, 2024. I photographed the mangled carcass, thinking that the details
of the skull might be useful.  One of the images clearly shows the formidable array of very sharp teeth that hook backwards towards the throat. These help prevent struggling prey from
pulling away, and also "encourage" it to go towards the throat. Based on the visible reddish scales, I believe that the carcass belonged to a Broadbanded Water Snake (Nerodia fasciata).
Considering the condition of the carcass, I believe that something had spit it up. So, maybe two bad days for that snake. Being eaten is bad--but being barfed back up has got be be worse.
We can compare with this image of another Broadbanded Water Snake I saw having a better day on April 17, 2017. The red blotches on the underside are very prominent.

The next two were having the same bad day- 02/09/2025.
The first snake had been struggling for a while before I started filming. I expected to see it trying to swallow prey.  But it had apparently gotten its jaws around a plant!  Its exhalations
made large bubbles as it rested.

When the snake moved again, it pulled against the stalk. I believe its teeth were caught. The snake's teeth were firmly fixed; but it had had to get free.

The snake re-positioned its body for a better grip, and then gave a really hard pull. It finally got free! The captured video is edited into this short film.

There were small fish swimming nearby.  I wonder if the snake accidentally grabbed the stalk when it went for one of them.To see how this could happen, we can use the carcass I
found on the 40-acre Lake trail in 2024 (pictured just above).  When those hooked teeth snagged in the plant stalk, they would be really hard to release.
The second snake appeared about 12 minutes later--while I was standing in the same spot! Unfortunately, it had been caught by a Boat-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus major). A couple
Grackles had started hunting in the floating plants and this one appeared with the snake, and flew off--just like that! I captured photos and video, to try to identify the snake.

The Grackle looked at us with its dark(not yellow) eyes. The snake's head is relatively small, and the snake is light brown on top. There is a thin dark line near the boundary between
off-white and pale brown strips. It was possibly a young Graham's Crayfish Snake (Regina grahamii).  We can compare this to these photos of an adult I saw at Fiorenza Park in 2024.
That snake seemed nearly blind, and I moved it off the bridge. The video of the Grackle has been edited into this short film.


Certain natural observations that first appeared on this page have been moved to my other pages. Go back to my home page, Welcome to Rickubis.com for links to those pages.


Update 02/06/2025 - 02/02/2025 Here are some interesting events brought about the the very warm weather (about 70° F after noon) at Brazos Bend State Park. The
morning was still cool as this lone alligator cruised in 40-Acre Lake at 9:00am.

About 11:00 am, an alligator was cruising in Pilant Lake near the Elm Lake end of the Spillway Trail.  It stopped at a gap in the cover, with its snout near the bank.I waited to
 see if it would come up and cross the trail.  It walked up onto the grass and rested--which they often do before they continue across.  When it started to walk, I shot a quick
 burst of photos, then went to video to record its stately passage across the trail. One of the watching visitors had asked the very common question, "How long is that alligator?"
I had motioned the folks in the background over when I saw the alligator come up. Other visitors came up behind me. Since almost everyone has at least a camera phone,
I suggest that everyone pay special attention to capture when the alligator's head and tail are near the edges of the trail.

We're going to use that image to estimate the size of this wonderful animal! Note that when the alligator's tail was touching one edge of the trail, its snout extended *past*
the other edge of the trail. Now we'll guess the size of this alligator, with the help of my "walking staff". It's about 6 feet (1.8 meters) My staff extends a little past the center of
 the trail, leaving a big gap to the other side. I prefer lower estimates, so I'll call that an additional 4-foot gap. Added to the original 6 feet of the stick; that's TEN feet long (and
 the alligator's nose extended past the far edge). So 10-12 feet long ( 3 - 3.6 meters).  WOW!      
I had placed the stick where the alligator had crossed. In the photos I could verify by checking this thin line and the "pebble" as reference.  But when I checked when the
alligator started to cross, I couldn't find the pebble. I discovered that the alligator had "conjured" the object with some sleight-of-foot. It took me a while to discover this, so I
am sharing it here. Even though I was pretty sure I'd placed the stick properly, I was happy when I could verify it with the images. It's easier to see in the edited video here.

While heading back towards 40-Acre Lake after 2:00pm, I noticed some park visitors intently watching something. They had found a live snake lying on top of the sparse vegetation,
about 15 yards from the North side of the trail. I could tell that it was a Gulf Coast Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis proximus), and when I looked through the binoculars I saw that it was
 actually two snakes!  I kept watching, and discovered I was wrong. There weren't two snakes after all. There were THREE snakes!  The largest snake was probably a female, while
 the other two were probably males. They were probably mating. Or trying to. I've seen something like this before, but involving Diamondback Water  Snakes.(pics and video on this page)
When it's time to mate, the female snakes advertise via scent. Male snakes are attracted by this, and they try to get with the female. The problems arise when multiple males get the
 same message at the same time. I could see multiple tails hanging down in the plant cover, and intertwined as the males tried to enter a single portal at the same time. I watched for
 about an hour, pointing out the event for visitors passing by.  During that time, another snake swam by and left the water, but it moved off on a low branch, apparently going in the
wrong direction. I left before the snakes did.

03/07/2021  Sometimes, one of the park gators seems to say:

    Just pay attention to the sign, okay?

 04/08/2012---Easter Sunday at BBSP gets very busy. This year, I had time to put a camera on my bicycle handlebars and do a quick ride on the Elm Lake Trail before it got busy. I was
experimenting with doing "virtual" trail tours of the park.  I'm not sure if this works or not, but here is an edited version of the footage I filmed. A surprise unique to the park happens near
the 6:47 mark. Links to the video are here (files are about 200mb):  Elm Lake trail mp4 .

11/06/2013---Piper the Pup
   now has her own page. For Piper-related stuff, you can go here, but I don't update often.

Pages that show where mom gator has left babies, possibly so she can forage: 
03/06/2016   03/14/2016   12/05/2021     and two times when a mom left after a bellow bout:  02/16/2020  08/28/2022

I have created all the content on *my* pages. That means that I have either shot the video, taken the pictures, or performed any demonstrations. That also means that I've edited every image on these pages, that is, I've cropped,
 enhanced, resized, labeled, and otherwise optimized *every* single image on my pages. That means that I've also edited, enhanced, extracted images from, recoded (in two or three or four formats) every *video clip* on these
pages. I've also, for better or worse, composed all the text and layout on these pages. I've had to learn to use the various utilities for doing all of this, as well as finding and legally getting copies of them in the first place. I'm also
 responsible for all the hardware used to do this. I also pay for the server space used for all of this information as well as for my access to it. It costs a lot of money, time, and effort to put these pages out here...hopefully to
entertain and to inform. And this is *after* I spend time at my "day job".  People are welcome to the information here, but if it's used elsewhere, then I deserve credit for my effort. If it is used for someone else's profit, then I
deserve part of that profit. *That* is the purpose of my notices about copyright.

                                                                             CLICK ON THE IMAGE, OR CLICK HERE TO GO THERE. I'VE BEEN BUYING MUSIC FROM THEM SINCE 2003.        


For the story of my hip replacements, click here. I've come to think that these pages are less about me than what I'm writing about, but I've been talking to lots of old folks (like me) that
wonder how that surgery works.. So, this page shows my experiences with it.  

.Click here for the RICKUBISCAM GALLERY! ----a chronicle of past rickubiscam images (16 pages starting from the year 2000!!)  

----------------------------------------------------------             ---
  RICKUBISCAM on the RICKUBISCAM on the RICKUBISCAM on the....                  REPTILE GLASSES
                        This gif was made in 2011 (I had more hair!)                  
This gif was made in 2011 (I had more hair!)

           This page was born 9/16/1999.  Rickubis designed it.  (such as it is.)
          Go back to my home page, Welcome to Rickubis.com 
          I'm on Mastodon for now, but I was never very active on "social" media. 

How many come by to see the RICKUBISCAM ? Well, lets look at the counterprovided by: WEBCOUNTER.
Counter started June 18, 2001. 1/10/2012 = 10473 || 3/25/2014 10904 || 11/19/2015 = 11137 || 2/16/2017 = 11326 || 6/16/2019 = 11678 || 6/21/2020=11856 || 12/27/21=12199 || 2/3/2022=12237 || 7/22/2022 12404 || 01/09/2023=12651
|| 12/1/2023=13059        3    4