Martial Arts--my early days.
Reload this page if you've visited before, it might have changed.  Click on the pictures below to see a larger image.  
This page composed 09/21/1999.         Updated 2/08/2025 
Images and contents on this page copyright ©2002-2025 Richard M. Dashnau
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Note: 07/28/2024 This page is one the earliest subjects I shared on my new website--sometime around 1999. During that period I was still spending a lot of time practicing
what I'd learned at the school--even though I'd left it some years before. I thought my website might be a good place to record and share what I'd learned. Over 20 years,
it has also become a sort of record of how I've still enjoyed my investment over all this time. This page shows more about my earliest years. New material (starting after
2021) is now being added to my Internal Martial Arts Page (since I can't do as many External style movements these days). This page is arranged with the oldest material
at the top, since I don't intend to add any updates. So, as you scroll down, you'll see how things have changed over time. (Pictures at the beginning were added by manually
scanning photographs.)

FROM 1999---
I've had some experience with martial arts. My first formal schooling was in Tae Kwon Do in the years 1975-1977.  Then, I moved from New York State to Houston, Texas
in 1977. After that I had a brief stay at one school, about 6 months, but I still wasn't settled in my home and couldn't afford it.  Then I started in a Chinese martial arts school
in January of 1986.  I left the school in January of 1996, after 10 years and one day, for various reasons. Master Maing Yul Jung was my teacher.
          Correcting my position--1986                           Presented with certificate--year unknown

During those 10 years, I was shown many aspects of the Chinese martial arts. In 1988, I went to Kaohsiung, Taiwan to compete in a full-contact and forms tournament.  I didn't
win, but I had a great time, not counting the 12 minutes or so I lost when I got a good fist to my head. The image below, Figure 00, is a picture of most of the team at the airport.
I'm in the front row, kneeling, 2nd from the right. Master Jung is in the suit and tie.

--------------------1988 President's Cup Team
                                figure 00. The team at the airport

 Some pictures of Kaohsiung in 1988 follow.

                           figure 1.                                                                               figure 2.                                                                            figure 3.                                                            figure 4   
figure 1. This was the view from our hotel room.
figure 2. This was where the tournament was held.
figure 3. We had just gotten there. Nothing was going on yet. I can't believe I weighed in at 154lb to make my weight class. That's me.
figure 4. I'm in the uniform with the red trim. Not long after this, I took a hard punch to the back of my head. I lost this fight, and was out of the fighting competition. The referee is in the red shirt.   
(Update 2017)--- I was able to get a copy of my fight on video!! So here is a video clip of our team as it enters the arena.   And here is a video clip showing my very short fight.

                                       figure 5.                                                                                            figure 6.
figure 5.  The end of the tournament. Our team placed 3rd overall. There were 20+ teams there. After the awards, we were approached by members of other teams, few of whom spoke English. Everyone
wanted souvenirs, and since all we had with us were our uniforms, we all exchanged clothes. There was a lot of pointing and laughing and trading, with everyone trying to find a near fit. The entire trip was a 
fine experience. The green arrow is pointing at me. Standing on my left is a member of one of the teams from Taiwan.  
figure 6. My certificate from the tournament. I didn't place in fighting or forms competition. The certificates are shown in the previous picture in front of the trophies.

 I practiced hard and often, but I was not a first rate martial artist (not even close). Even so, I enjoyed practicing what I learned. I feel it is very good exercise, and I am happy while I'm doing it. There are 
"external"  martial arts, and "internal" martial arts.  I don't intend to go into the differences at this time. I was taught a mixture of long fist and shaolin external martial arts as well as tai chi and pakua, which are 
internal martial arts. Image LONG FIST 1 (below) shows me doing some practicing during lunchtime at work, back while I was still a student.  The other two images are more recent, taken at a park where
I like to practice.
                              LONG FIST 1                                                 LONG FIST 2                                                      LONG FIST 3
Along with doing forms, there are various technique drills that are practiced. These are done using whatever part of the body, or attack, or defense, one is working on. There are drills using kicks, punches, 
and other techniques. The idea is to become accustomed to delivering force quickly. These drills can also be used to build stamina. I have included here very short examples of three simple drills. The first one
is just a drill throwing punches. First, single jabs, double jabs, and then a left/right combination.  The second one is called "throwing palm" , and is used to loosen the shoulders, and to practice the basic palm
attack used in one style of pakua. The third one is a drill to loosen and strengthen the shoulders by throwing the elbows.  This is a shortened version, with 4 repetitions of each technique. There is upward elbow
alone, then each succeeding combination adds one technique. (first "up"; then "up and back"; then "up, back, and horizontal forward"; "up, back, forward, reverse"; and "up, back, forward, hammer".
                     Punch throw demo (mp4)                                       Palm throw demo (mp4)                                       Elbow throw demo (mp4)  
Besides doing "technique drills" there were various other exercises that I was taught which develop strength, flexibility, and stamina. Generally I was taught to do some loosening and stretching exercises before I 
would do a series of headstand exercises. The last headstand position in the series is a lift from a "single-base" headstand to a "forearm stand". (figure 14)  Here's a video clip showing me doing this forearmstand.
 NOTE 12/20/2019:This video was originally shot in 2001, with a very early digital camera. I've upgraded the video because it was almost 20 years ago when I first posted it.

       figure 14  "Forearm" stand                            figure 15      Walking on hands
Besides these "yoga-style" stretching exercises, I was also taught various gymnastic exercises. All of this was to increase stamina, flexibility, and strength; attributes that a good martial artist should possess.I was 29 
years old when I entered the school, and did not have a natural ability to do these exercises. However, I learned, and performed as much as I could. Combative martial arts should familiarize students with ground contact,
in the event of a student being thrown, perhaps, or even for use as part of offensive technique. We did various rolls, as well as various other types of gymnastics. Advanced students did flips and "no-handed" cartwheels
(not me, though!) We were taught to walk on our hands. I found this exercise fun, and still try it now and then. Figure 15 shows me walking on my hands around the same circle I used for some of the pakua exercises.
Here's a video clip showing me doing this handwalk. NOTE 12/20/2019:This video was originally shot in 2001, with a very early digital camera. I've upgraded the video because it was almost 20 years ago when I first
posted it.
All the exercises that I show above are examples of "external" kung fu (kung fu is a term meaning "applied effort"), and "external" martial arts. These work the muscular and skeletal systems, and improve cardiovascular
functions, stamina, and physical power. There are also "internal" martial arts and kung fu. These are more subtle in approach.  Although the same parts of the body are used for these exercises, diligent practice of 
these exercises can increase precision, and focus intention of the same movements.
Also, a different type of stamina can be achieved. Consider the exercise known as "push-ups". Doing a rapid number of pushups in a short amount of time (say 20 in 2 minutes) can cause certain physical changes over 
time. Doing a slower number of pushups (for instance, say, one per minute, with constant resistance) over a period of time (say 20 minutes), while using the same muscles, bones, and so on, will still cause a physical 
change. This is an oversimplification of the differences between the two, but I feel it is a good illustration.
I was also taught some exercises in various internal martial arts. (The images below show some examples, or click on that link or this link to get to the page.)
                            TAI CHI CHUAN                                                   TAI CHI CHUAN                                                 TAI CHI CHUAN

                          PAKUA ZHANG                                                                         PAKUA ZHANG
People who are expecting some major spiritual truth to appear by practicing these arts, for the most part are going to lose their money, and possibly be disillusioned and give up this exercise entirely.  People who wish
to generally improve their health, and perhaps do something enjoyable, and who apply themselves to these exercises, will get their money's worth if they practice diligently and often.  In most cases, any exercise is 
better than none at all. And, any exercise that one enjoys is exercise that will be done repeatedly. 

People who want to learn self-defense quickly, on the other hand, need to concentrate on those skills. Learning "push hands" will not  teach anyone any applicable martial skills in any timely manner. I'm sure there
are those who'd want to argue this point. Everyone has an opinion.  I can say that I've never seen anyone even attempt to use any kind of "push hands" in a full-contact tournament.  Since most altercations on the street
are "full contact", I'd say that is a good concept to consider.  There are some good "self-defense" schools out there.  Some of these are very good in teaching awareness of surroundings, and threat assessment, as well 
as dealing with the threat situation without panic.  Some states have legal concealed handgun carry. People of smaller stature, who are not physically strong to start with, might better spend their money on a
legal weapon, and training on how to use it. The classes required for licensing in THIS state also cover threat assessment, non-violent conflict resolution, and awareness of one's surroundings.

I am the person in these pictures and video clips. I am far from being an expert, as should be obvious.  I do really enjoy my practice, however.  
In July of 1999 I had to get knee surgery due to injuries from a car accident. As a result, I've lost some function of one leg, and so may not be able to do ALL of the exercises  I used to do. 
As of 2004, the knee hasn't improved much, and there has been some damage to the hip as well. That certainly puts a kink on my practice schedule! As time has gone on, I've had to curtail quite a bit of this activity.
March 17, 2008--GOOD NEWS!! I've had my hip replaced in 2005. Now, I can do a lot of what I used to. For now, mostly "internal" style. Some demonstrations can be seen on my internal martial arts page. Details of the
hip replacement, and subsequent healing can be seen on this page. From this point, I am happy that I can still walk at all. For about a year I could barely walk at all (and that was before the surgery). Then it was at least a
year after the surgery before my leg felt right.  So, the ability to do anything is fantastic for me.
August 12, 2018--MORE NEWS!! I've just had my hip replaced. The other one. Details of my recovery can be seen on the same page as before.

FROM 1999:
(UPDATED 2/01/2021) I've upgraded these video files.These were filmed sometime around 1999.  It would have had to be before July 1999, when  I had my knee surgery.   
02/08/2025--I've added this row of frame grabs from the video clips.  At the time they were filmed, I was still practicing a lot, though I would have been out of the school since 1996.

            Hand form 5                              Hand form 5                               Hand form 6                           Hand form 6                              Hand form 9                          Hand form 9
videos-► hand form 5.mp4 [C] Yue Jia Quan\[K] A Ga Kwon             hand form 6.mp4  [C]Mei Hua Quan\[K] Mei Hwa kwon                  hand form 9slow.mp4       hand form9 fast .mp4 


(Updated 01/19/2014) -- Sometime over the last few years, I have discovered more about the Chinese martial arts taught by Master Jung. He never explained much about this, various 
online sources, and from some of his later students have given me some hints. There is a Korean term pronounced in English as something like "Shippalgi". This usually means "18 
Traditional Weapons" or "18 Traditional Martial Arts". Some sources say that these are based in Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. I have no idea of the connection between my teacher and any
"direct lineage" of this Korean variant of Chinese martial arts. But, there has been some interest by fellow students of Master Jung. Because of this, I've updated my old video clips (mostly
shot around or before 1993) and put them online-even though they are in poor condition. When I was taught, I was rarely given any history of the forms, or any names for them. Even now, after
all these years, I'm curious about some of their history. As the clips after 2000 show, I still do a few of the forms, though (at least through 2013).
(UPDATED 10/22/2014) I've found some of the original tapes, in good condition! So, I've upgraded many of the video files. The upgraded files are shown as such in the list immediately
below. Most of the videos were filmed sometime around 1993.
(UPDATE 08/30/2020)  Back in 2014, another student of Master Jung's (R. Bielby) had contacted me for information about the various forms we were taught. Mr. Bielby was one of a few
students I know who was actually teaching martial arts from our school.  In fact, it was his query that motivated me to find these old tapes and digitize them to add to this page.  During our
communications, he passed along some names that he'd discovered for some of the forms.'s the list.


Korean Name  Chinese Name  Korean  Chinese  English
form 1 So Ho Yun kwon  Xiao Hu Yan Quan  소 호연권  小 虎 燕 拳  Small Flying Tiger Fist
form 2 Tang Lang Zeo(?)  Tang Lang Yi Lu

form 3 Kerro Kwon  Kai Lu Quan  계 로권  開 路 拳  Open Road Fist
form 5 A Ga Kwon  Yue Jia Quan  악 가권  岳 家 拳  Yue Family Fist
form 6 Mei Hwa kwon  Mei Hua Quan  매 화권  梅 花 拳  Plum Blossom Fist
form 7 So Chu Kwon  Xiao Zuo Quan  소 축권  小 縮 拳  Small Reducing Fist

Kum Gang Kwon  Jin Gang Quan  금 강권  金 刚拳  Golden Fist

Huk Ho Kwon  Hei Hu Quan  흑 호권  黑 虎 拳  Black Tiger Fist

O Ho Kwon  Wu Hu Quan  오 호권  五 虎 拳  Five Tigers Fist



long fist 1.mp4  Xiao Hu Yan Quan
So Ho Yun kwon
long fist 6.mp4 Mei Hua Quan
Mei Hwa kwon
long stick 1_demo1988.mp4 broad sword 1_field.mp4 straight sword 1 field.mp4
long fist 2.mp4 Tang Lang Zeo (?) long fist 6slw.mp4

broad sword 1_test1988.mp4 straight sword 2 field.mp4
long fist 3.mp4 Kai Lu Quan
Kerro Kwon
long fist 6_later_ver.mp4

broad sword 2_field.mp4
long fist 4.mp4
long fist 6_later_ver.wmv

broad sword 2_field_slow.mp4
long fist 5.mp4 Yue Jia Quan
A Ga Kwon
long fist 7.mp4 Xiao Zuo Quan
So Chu Kwon

broad sword 3 field.mp4
long fist 5slw.mp4
long fist 7slw.mp4

broad sword 3 field slow.mp4

long fist 8.mp4

broad sword 4 field.mp4

broad sword 4 fieldslow.mp4
Note: 2/8/2025-- There is still some interest in the information on this page, so I still share it. I mention the video clips listed above, but by today's standards they are very
low-quality; even though I've tried to enhance them. The original video tapes were already old by the time I could digitize them, so there isn't much I can do to improve them. The
images below are frames from most of the video clips, so you can get an idea of what they look like. The single images look really bad, but the video clips can still be used for basic
movement reference. You can also get at least some idea of what they look like before you click on a link for them.

Hand Forms 1 -7 as listed on the table above.-----------------------------------------------------

            Hand form 1                              Hand form 2                               Hand form 3                           Hand form 4                              Hand form 4                          Hand form 5

             Hand form 6
                         Hand form 7

Weapon Forms as listed on the table above.-----------------------------------------------------

          stick_demo_1988                   stick_demo_1988                   broadsword1_field                      broadsword1_test                     broadsword2_field                   broadsword3_field

     broadsword4_field_1                broadsword4_field_2                  straightsword1_1                      straightsword1_2                     straightsword2_1                      straightsword2_2


August 11, 2008-- I'm now a few years past 50; and my new hip is about 3 years old. I left my martial arts school in 1996; about 12 years ago. I attended the school for 10 years
from 1986-1996. That means that I learned some of my material over 20 years ago. I practiced as much as I could, until the hip and knee problems mentioned above prevented
me for about 3 years. I still practice, although my schedule has changed quite a bit. Today, I did some exercises, and some forms--and which I made these videos from. I'm 
linking to them here as an example (especially to the younger folks) of how this type of exercise can help preserve one's health. These aren't exactly the way I learned them. So
what? 12 years or more have passed since I learned them by working with a teacher. I am happy that I can still do the exercises, and that I can remember them with some work
and by consulting my various records. Don't take your time in a martial arts school for granted. Document your practice any way you can. It can only benefit you later.

                      Stretch and headstand                                         supported handstand pushups                                head supported handstand  
                       video  mp4                                                         video  mp4                                                     video  mp4

 These are just basic stretches and so on. The headstand into the forearm stand are still fun to do. The supported handstands on the tree help build strength.
                     2nd hand form beginning                                 2nd hand form again                                       9th hand form beginning                                        9th hand form
                     video  mp4                                                                                                                               video  mp4
These were the 2nd and 9th "external" hand forms that I learned. I only knew them by number, and over time, my teacher would change the order of the forms. Thus, my first form might
be someone else's 3rd form--or some other number.  

----1st stick form poke--
               1st stick form beginning                                           1st stick form strike                                         1st stick form poke                                             that's a springy stick!
                    video  mp4                                                                                                                                                                                                             video  mp4
This was my first form for the long stick. I bought this stick during the trip to Taiwan (mentioned at the top of the page), in 1988. I don't know what kind of wood it's made of , but I've had this stick
for 20 years. It's the same one that I use as a walking stick on the nature trails.  My stances are not as low or as long or wide as they used to be. Also, I've edited out various tumbling moves; 
and I don't perform side kicks anymore. My mechanical hip does NOT have the same range or style of motion as my original one did. I see no need to push that hip to its limits. Think whatever
you wish about the technique...I am happy I can do these exercises at all. About 4 years before these videos, I could barely walk--and that was with a lot of discomfort.

August 16, 2008-- This is the first form I learned for the straight sword. Not all straight sword forms are Tai Chi forms. This one is not. I like some forms more than others,
and as my practice time became limited I would only practice the forms I liked (and that I could still do).
                           Kick and cut to the rear from my first straight sword form.      
                                     video  MP4

August 14, 2010--This is the second external hand form I learned. I'm not as flexible (or as light) as I was when I learned it, but I've aged a bit since then. I don't practice the
external forms much, but I do like to do a few of them.           Second Hand Form Video:    video  wmv 8.4mb

May 28, 2011-- I had bit of a scare on May 18th. I didn't feel well until  Friday, May 27th. But, everything turned out ok. Besides doing the exercise in general, doing forms can
serve as a test of recovering mobility, balance and stamina. Today, I did some internal forms, and these two external forms. I decided to film myself with the high-speed camera.
It felt good to be back to normal.  Here's the stick form filmed at at normal frame rate (wmv 5 mb); and then part of the
stick form filmed at high frame rate (slow motion)(wmv 26.3 mb).  And this is part of the sword form filmed at normal frame rate (wmv 3.9 mb); and
the same form filmed at high frame rate (slow motion) (wmv 21.5 mb).          

June 04, 2011-- Bolstered by my recovery, and still experimenting with filming myself, I did the straight sword for the camera. So here are some clips: Here's part of the
sword form filmed at at normal frame rate (wmv 7.7 mb); and then part of the sword form filmed at high frame rate (slow motion)(wmv 51.7 mb)

June 06, 2011--  I decided to try doing one of the spear forms that I was taught. Over all these years I would still practice one of them, so here it is. I'm quite a bit over 50, I have
a fake hip, and a few other odds and ends. So, I'm not doing full body extension, and not leaping very high...or far. I'm still trying for some fluidity, and a bit of quickness, though.
  So here are some spear form clips: Here's the full spear form filmed at at normal frame rate (mp4); and then
 full spear form filmed at at 210 fps (slow motion) (wmv 40.2 mb). I had to place the camera back far enough to catch the entire form, and include the length of the spear. Then in
an effort to appear larger in frame, I moved the camera closer, and filmed segments, then edited them together.   
Here's the edited spear form filmed at at normal frame rate (mp4); and then edited spear form filmed at at 210 fps (slow motion) (wmv 42.7 mb). A few comments here:
First. I may have left off some parts of the form (it's been a while since I've done it, and may have forgotten some.)  Second, I did this form many times today; to refresh my
memory, and because I goofed some "takes".  I've done enough rolling for a while.


June 09, 2012-- I'm still doing what I can.  Now I've been running/walking 1/1/2 - 2 miles, then doing pushups, then a number of exercises to straighten my spine. After that, I still
do some form work.  Regardless of how they look, I'm still doing these 26 years after I first started learning them. 
                  2nd  Hand  Form                                               9th  Hand  Form                                               Stick  Form
                  2nd  Hand  Form video  7.1mb                            9th  Hand  Form video  5.6mb                            Stick  Form video 5.5mb

August 08, 2012-- I'm still doing what I can.  Now I've been running/walking 1/1/2 - 2 miles, then doing pushups, then a number of exercises to straighten my spine. After that, I still
do some form work. 
                                  Stick  Form video 6.8mb

September 03, 2012-- I'm still doing what I can.  Now I've been running/walking 1/1/2 - 2 miles, then doing pushups, then a number of exercises to straighten my spine. After that,
I still do some form work. 
                       2nd  Hand Form video  8.6mb                                                                   Straight Sword Form video  9.3mb  

April 13, 2013--  On weekends, or with enough free time, I've been running/walking 1/1/2 - 2 miles, then doing pushups, then a number of exercises to straighten my spine. After
that, I still do some form work.  Here's what I filmed today (with some on the other page).

                  2nd  Hand Form video  6.3mb
                  9th  Hand Form video  4.8mb
                   Stick form video  4.3mb

August 2, 9, 12  2014--  I'm 58 years old, so I don't move like a youngster. . That just comes with the territory. This week, I've shot these clips. I also shot clips of my internal
forms, and those are on the other page.
                  1st Stick Form (wmv)   
                  1st Broadsword (wmv)        I hadn't done any broadsword forms for some years. It was fun to try again, after finding a plastic (non-threatening) sword. 
                  2nd Straight Sword (wmv)  
                  Second Hand Form (wmv) 

August 10  2015--  I'm 59 years old.  And that's all I have to say about that. Oh...and here are some exercise clips.
                1st Stick Form (wmv)   
                2nd Hand Form (wmv)                   
                9th Hand Form (wmv)

July 22 2017--  On good days I can walk pretty well; and on bad days---I can't walk so well. This was an ok day. I'm trying to figure out a way I can do these external forms without
being too painful. I feel that I can get some use out of them. So, this is my second form, done "old guy style".  
                    Hand Form #2 Old Guy Style (wmv)                   
                    Hand Form #2 Old Guy Style performed slowly (wmv)

July 27 2017--  On good days I can walk pretty well; and on bad days---I can't walk so well. This was an ok day. I 'm trying to figure out a way I can do these external forms without
being too painful. I feel that I can get some use out of them.
So, this is my ninth form, done "old guy style".  
                    Hand Form #9 Old Guy Style (wmv)                   
                    Hand Form #9 Old Guy Style performed slowly (wmv) are some basic technique drills I did on the same day. Once again; "old guy style".
                                      Elbows (wmv)
                                      Fists (wmv)                   
                                      Palms (wmv)

July 27 2018--  On good days I can walk pretty well; and on bad days---I can't walk so well. This was an ok day. On this day, I filmed some forms--but this was 4 days before my
other hip was replaced. The bad hip is...very bad, as seen in the picture lower left. The video can be seen by following this link.

October 06 2018--  On good days I can walk pretty well; and on bad days---I still walk well. It's great! It has been a few months since my hip has been replaced, and I feel much
better. I've been exercising regularly. So, here's a video of my "second form", after the replacement. The video can be seen by following this link.  With a little more time, I expect
to move a bit better...but I'm not going to push it.      

May 04, 2019--  Now that I can walk without any pain, I've started trying to regain more different exercises that I used to do. I'm also walking a lot more, and trying to practice 
about an hour each day.  I still have to limit my some movements--after all, both hips are no longer biological.  For now, I'm happy doing what I can. For "external" forms, I'm 
doing three of the hand forms (I know them as number 2, 6, and 9). I'm also doing the stick form and the spear form (although I usually using my stick as a spear substitute). 
I do a few other basic breathing exercises and drills as well. I mostly doing internal forms, which I've listed on my other page.   The images and clips here show just a part of each
style I'm doing now.  My daily (weather and schedule permitting) routine contains these five forms plus the 12 different things on the internal exercise page.  I do these sets
slower than I used to, and carefully.  I don't want to over extend my prosthetic hips. And...I don't need to mess up anything else.. (Note--I've updated the image and video for
form 6 and 9 with material I shot May 19th)
                                   Beginning of form 2                                                                            Beginning of form 6                                                           Beginning of form 9
                                   Middle of stick form                                                                          Beginning of spear form

September 28, 2019--  it's been great to move around without discomfort. I decided to try doing the first form I learned that uses the broadsword. After a week or so of review,
this video clip shows what it looks like.

July 2, 2020--  Exercising during social-distancing.   Everyone knows about the virus pandemic that has been growing since the end of 2019.  Social protocols to help slow the
spread of the virus went into effect starting in March 2020.  During the first month or so, I didn't try to go anywhere. But, when I checked the nearby park, I saw that there was no
crowds of people at all, so I was able to exercise there.  I've shot a few clips during this time...and finally decided to post something, just to show that I'm still moving around.
 I'm just happy that I can get some exercise in.   I still do the exercises described in all the entries below--adding up to about an hour of workout time.
                    Stick Form video_(full form)     

August 6 and 7, 2021---
External kung fu stuff:   As much as I'd like to continue doing them, I really can't do too many "external" kung fu forms.  I only do one hand form regularly,
one stick form, and sometimes one broadsword form. Part of the problem is that I just can't put the stress on my joints and back that faster movements
generate. (Hey, mostly 65 years old, with two full hip prosthesis).  I've tried doing forms slower, but they don't feel right. So...there it is. Anyway, here are
 some. The hand form was filmed 08/06 and I prefer this one because it has always had less kicks than the others.  The stick form was filmed 08/07. I did
 it twice, once at "old guy normal speed" and one at "step-by-step demo" speed.  I've removed parts from almost all of these forms.  I've taken out all
tumbling--such as rolling; all high kicks, all jumping and crescent kicks.  It would be too easy to over stress my hip prosthesises (how  do you say more
than one prosthesis?). Therefore, movement leading up to and after those were also modified.

     Mantis Hand Form Tang Lang Zeo   08/06                        Stick form normal   08/07                                       Stick form step-by-step demo   08/07   

I figured I'd add some more forms. On 09/10/21 I did a spear form and a broadsword form.  The spear is shown at a "faster" then "slower" speed.
                 Spear Form    09/10                                                 Spear Form done slower    09/10                                            Broadsword form   09/10 

Can you imagine doing anything for over 20 years?
Note 7/28/2024  You'll see the last update on this page was in 2021.  Since then, I've been posting most updates to my internal martial arts page, since most
of my current exercise time over the last few years has been spent doing those martial arts and related exercises. I have many more posts there from after 2021--even those about
 "external" workouts


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