ALLIGATOR BEHAVIOR AT BRAZOS BEND --Index of my Alligator Pages 
This page was born 12/27/2003.  Rickubis designed it.  (such as it is.) Last update: 11/20/2024
Images and contents on this page copyright ©2001-2024  Richard M. Dashnau

When I was a child, I was interested in reptiles and amphibians.  I read about them, and enjoyed watching and catching them. In my mind, alligators were fantastic
creatures that I'd
never be close to; especially since they were nearing extinction due to over-harvesting.   I'd read how alligators would soon be gone(1960's). 
But, when they were finally placed
under protection in 1967, their numbers increased and the alligators came back.  I had never dreamed that I'd be able to see so many
 alligators alive, and free to move in a natural
environment (5000 Acre Park) and I'D BE THERE WITH THEM. Now,  even after volunteering in Brazos Bend State Park
almost every week (for 20 years!); I'm still filled with
wonder and joy when I see alligators.--04/14/2023

The original format remains as a sort of diary which gives a sense of time to these observations, and also the evolution of my knowledge about alligators. I've grouped
 observations as I feel they relate to each other. On each page, the observations will still be listed in chronological order-usually with the newest material at the top.
There will be a few exceptions in cases where I have multiple updates of a specific situation (such as progress of an alligator nest through time).

New Note-11/20/2024: Since I started volunteering in October of 2001, I have enjoyed spending so much time where I could watch Alligators almost every week. I've tried
 to give some sense of continuity to the experiences I've shared on my pages. But there have been a few times that I've tried to gather some of the sightings together into
a program, or a documentary.  The "documentary" is usually adapted from a program I've already been presenting. It has been some years since I've produced or presented
either one. But I have made two, and have had them online for some time, with links on other pages. I'm linking to them here, too:

1)  This is a documentary that I put together in 2005, adapted from programs I was giving at the time. This was developed to distribute on DVDs, and has narration by me.
It took a lot of work to make. Remember...made in 2005 (remastered a few times since then (this one, 2023)): The Alligators at Brazos Bend State Park 2005 (60 minutes long)

2)  This is a program that I presented in 2011, and other years since then. It is named "It's Hard to Be an Alligator". It's the last program that I put together. Over the years,
I changed it a few times to use newer material showing more interesting items. This was also about 60 minutes--which is actually at least 15 minutes longer than an indoor
program should be. But there were always so many wonderful things to show!  This video is the result of my only attempt to record myself giving the program. The sound is
not very good. I took the original video footage and directly inserted the material that I showed on screen.:  It's Hard to Be an Alligator 2011 (60 minutes long) I'd like to try to
clean up the audio (the technology is available); but I've lost the original video files and my first generation editing files for this project.

3)  This is just the beginning and ending of the same program described above. I've just been discussing this gigantic alligator skull that we'd had in the Nature Center (we'd
actually had two of them). They'd been found at the park a long time ago (long before I started in 2001!); were very large, and quite heavy. This short clip shows how I was
able to use the skull, and also its size!:   It's Hard to Be an Alligator 2011 beginning and ending only (4 minutes long)

4) This isn't a video, or documentary.  It's a lot of images showing alligators next to various landmarks in the Brazos Bend State Park over the years.

 ◄▬ This was added 9/12/2022!  Search my alligator pages with duckduckgo.  Use " " to enclose multiple
search terms. Over 20 years, my website has grown into a sort of "living encyclopedia".  I've uploaded thousands of images, hundreds of video clips-on over 150 separate pages-to my domain.  
To be useful, a reference book-or an encyclopedia-needs an index. But, indexing something the size of this domain that is still growing and changing would be very difficult. I'm trying this search
 block as a solution. 
This chart lists my "alligator pages".  Dates in the columns refer to when the observations were made, not necessarily when they were posted/uploaded to my pages.
 Here's how to go back to my home page, Welcome to
SIGNALS 1 (2002) CONFLICT 1 (1992 +2004) FEEDING 1 (2002, 2003) BABIES 1 (2001,2002) DENS 1 2011,2012,2013 ,2019,2020 ON LAND 1 (2001,2002) FOSSILS 1 (2003,2004)
SIGNALS 2 (2002) CONFLICT 2 (2005,2011,2012) FEEDING 2 (2004) BABIES 2 (2002,2003) DENS 2 start 2020, jump to 2022,.2023 ON LAND 2 (2002,2003)
SIGNALS 3 (2003) CONFLICT 3 (2013,2014) FEEDING 3 (2005) BABIES 3 (2003,2004) DENS 3   2021,2022,2023 ON LAND 3 (2003,2004)
SIGNALS 4 (2003 + 2006) CONFLICT 4 (2022-2024) FEEDING 4 (2006, 2007) BABIES 4 (2004,2005)
ON LAND 4 (2004,2005)
SIGNALS 5 (2006 + 2007)
FEEDING 5 (2009, 2010) BABIES 5 (2006,2007,2008)
ON LAND 5 (2005,2006)
SIGNALS 6 (2007)
FEEDING 6 (2011,2013,2015, 2018,2019,2021) BABIES 6 (2009,2010,2012 ,2014,2016,2017, 2019,2020)
ON LAND 6 (2006)
SIGNALS 7 (2008 + 2009)
FEEDING 7 (2021,2022) BABIES 7 (collected) just images from 2002-2017

ON LAND 7 (2006,2008,2016, 2018,2019,2021)
SIGNALS 8 (2013,2015, 2018/2019)
FEEDING 8 (2022) BABIES 8 (nests+babies) (2021)
ON LAND 8 (walking demo)
SIGNALS 9 (2021),(2022)
FEEDING 9 (2022) BABIES 9 (2022)

SIGNALS 10 (2023-2024)
FEEDING 10 (2022) BABIES and NESTS 10 (2022)

FEEDING 11 (2023) BABIES and NESTS 11 (2023)

BABIES and NESTS 12 (2024)

And, this page shows alligators at the park, on land, near various landmarks at the park.