Rickubis Bird
Page #2d: Kites
This page was born 10/16/2024 Rickubis designed
it. (such as it is.) Last update:
Images and contents on this page
copyright ©2002-2024 Richard M. Dashnau
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Welcome to Brazos Bend State
Park. That's me on the trail at BBSP in August of 2019. I've
collected my captures of Kites here. Kites are not Hawks, or
Ospreys, or Eagles...but are different species
in multiple genera in the subfamily Buteoninae. For example,
Mississippi Kites are in the genus Ictinia. So, they'll appear here
as I get images.
I had to alter my workout at
Memorial Park while the park was recovering from
hurricane Beryl and the rain after it. I added a
run/walk component that allowed me to
cross both of the new land bridges (opened for
public use February, 2023). My workouts start
around 10am and can finish around noon. During this
I've also been treated to the occasional
encounter with Nature, throughout the park. While I
crossed the top of the land bridges, I noticed
Mississippi Kites
(Ictinia mississippiensis) flying
overhead...and they were also very close by. This
happened a few times, so one morning, I decided to
bring my camera and
skip the workout. On 08/09/2024 I
just picked one of the
bridges (Kinder Land
Bridge-East Lawn), since the
Kites foraged at both of

when I got to the top, I
found one of the park staff
was mowing the area. I still
saw Kites flying, but near
the other
side. It wasn't long before
the mower left,
and the Kites briefly flew
over "my" bridge, also. A
few made some good close
passes (one good video!) But
then they moved stopped
flying by. (10:24) So
I walked to
other part of
the land
bridge (West
Lawn). (10:47)
The last two
images below
show the East
side of the
West bridge,
as I walked to
the Kinder
West Lawn.

At first, it seemed like the few Kites that started
flying were going to stay near the bridge that I'd
just left--but then they started hunting near me!
The first image below left
shows the West side of the East bridge while I'm
standing on the West bridge looking East (ha ha...is
that clear?). At one point, there were at
least 4 Kites flying around me.
With so much going on, it was hard to pick a single
bird to follow and try to photograph. I've edited
just two of the video clips into this file. They've
been slowed down a lot
but still show some camera shake. And...we can see
them eating something they're holding in a talon as
they fly. They're usually insectivores, so it's most
likely they're eating
insects (the second image below shows a Kite
carrying an insect).

A few times, they flew by just 10 or 15 yards from
me--across the close-cropped circular
sidewalk! I shot a lot of pictures (and a bit
of video), and at least a few of them came
out ok. The immature Kites have dark stippled
markings while the adults are mostly shades of grey.

shot some very shaky video clips. Some of the clips
show the Kites eating prey (insects) that they held
in their talons as they flew. I was lucky to catch
that, but didn't
manage to see the Kites grab something. I may upload
the video soon. The first two pictures below show
the West Lawn as Kites flew over.
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