Anubis is a basenji, one of the oldest breeds of dogs there is.
Are you familiar with the pyramids in Egypt? The big stone
pointy things?
(A truly erudite description if ever I've heard one. I believe
it was spoken by a short, psychotic bunny named Max.(of "Sam & Max"
created by Steve Purcell))
Basenjis were known to the civilization that built them. Basenjis,
as most people who live with one will tell you,
are dogs that are not for
everyone. Although they are also known as "the African barkless dog", basenjis
are NOT silent, and are not
"quiet" in temperament. They are affectionate,
curious, and mischievous
. (mp4, no sound)
They howl, chortle growl, and quack. Well, Anubis "quacks" after
he eats. He likes to find me when he's finished eating, look in my face
(or lick it) and let loose with a loud belch that more times than not sounds
like a "QUACK". When he hears his name (the title on this page)
gets excited and howls.(mp4video)
Then sometimes, when he gets started, he gets really loud.(mp4 video Turn down your speaker. It's LOUD!)
I've had him about 2 weeks in this picture.
A few years later.
I promise. We actually did move around some between the two pictures.
Among those 'senji people whom I have corresponded with,
I have heard stories of shredded lawn furniture, opened kennels,
jumped-over fences, climbed fences, and a burned-down house (the
basenji was the cause of the fire. Sadly, it didn't survive.) With all
of this,
WHY would someone want one? Why would someone KEEP one?
If I have to explain it to you, you'll never understand. Basenjis
are playful.
Basenjis are curious. Basenjis will get stuff when you don't
expect it. I used to have a normal love seat, which was low to the
floor--about 3
inches clearance. It was old, and I finally got rid
of it. When I removed it, I found a collection of his old toys, my old
socks, some old underwear
(So that's where they are!) and myriad
of other things underneath it. I have no idea how he managed to "bury"
that stuff under there.
are some new pictures of Anubis, and some old guy. These were taken around
12/20/2000. Click on them to see them larger.
11, 2001I
made this movie today, because it's been a while since some people
have been able to visit Anubis and myself. Here is an image from
the clip
. Click on it to see it larger.
to see the clip. (mp4 video)
If you are doing something, and you are sure that you have
just set something down, within reach, and it's gone, play back your
recording of the last few seconds. I am certain that in those seconds
you will recall a red and white--or black and white--or tricolor--or brindle
pointy-eared, curly-tailed streak that came and went while your attention
was on your task. If you are quick enough, you can perhaps catch
that streak
in possession of your missing object. I will suggest also,
that for a few more minutes at least, you will be unable to avoid playing
with this canine who just gives you that look with those shining eyes under
those furrowed brows if you even
try to scold. He or she,
will just
cock their head and look at you, saying: "C'mon, what're you
talkin' about? It's play time!"
So, have fun!! After
all, that IS why you got a basenji, isn't it?
Good boy, Anubis!
The very first time I brought Anubis anywhere-which was to my house
from where he was born-he climbed up off my lap, up my back, and
between my neck and my car seat. He rode this way for most of an hour.
It would be an understatement to say that he'd stolen my
heart. If you've
come to these pages because you already have a basenji, then you are familiar
with the phenomenon. As I mentioned above,
they'll take stuff when you
least expect it.
Click here for some
of the source video that I used to make the animated .gif of Anubis wagging
his tail. (mp4video,
no sound)
Basenji owners need a kennel. Although Anubis likes to sleep in his,
he will crash just about anywhere.
His favorite place is near me, somewhere. Or, on me. I'm too
active for him to sleep this way for long.
When he's tired, he'll use the futon I use for a couch. When he's really
tired, he retires to his kennel, with
no prompting from me.
Anubis is actually registered with the AKC as "Ricks Most Wondrous
06, 2002 What can I say? It's
Anubis, the Wonder Dog! It's been a while since any recent visitors to have seen him, so I figured it was
about time for him to make
an appearance (see Anubis, above) . He's been fine ( by the way,
thanks to those of you who've asked about him). He's over
ten years old,
and he does have a cataract in his right eye. I can't believe we've
been together for so long. He's been...well, he's been my friend.
It would
have been really difficult to get through some parts of my life
without him.
his eye appears to be blind right now. However, this doesn't seem
to bother him. Believe me, I can empathize with his impaired vision.
I took
two short video clips with my Olympus C-700, then did a little editing,
a little format conversion, and posted them.
Here are the links: Anubis
clip one (mp4 video) ; Anubis
clip two (mp4 video).
There's not really a good way to say it, so.....
Anubis is gone.
He left this world at about 10:00 am on December
17th, 2004.
I've had better Fridays, that's for sure.
Some of you have known him in the flesh.
I've written some words to commemorate him.
It will probably sadden you, but if you'd like to remember Anubis and
perhaps say goodbye with your heart, you can read it here.
The picture below was taken August 3, 2004.
----- -----------------------------
How can
I keep writing, going to the park, etc?
What choice do I have? I have to keep going. I can
visit him on these pages, and in my heart.
I was damn lucky to know him.
And finally, here are some
important links that well certainly tell you more about basenjis:
The Basenji Club of America
Basenji Rescue and Transport
The Basenji --Online
--This is the
magazine for Basenji folks. I've got a stack myself.
The Basenji Net
---Although this sounds like something
we could use to catch one, it's more informative than that. I will be adding
more information to the "Wonder Dog" page, also.
If you haven't
heard enough, here's one more howl, as Anubis winds down.(mp4 video)
Back to What the heck
is a Rickubis?
(the home page for, for....whatever this is.)
Or, go See the world , clear your mind.
Make it work.
All animated gifs on this page created by Richard